
School starts at 9.00am sharp

We like children to arrive at school some time between 8.30am and 8.45am to give them time to prepare and settle in before the bell rings. Regular lateness is recorded in an attendance register and parents will be contacted if necessary.


Time The School Day
8.30am Students allowed in classrooms
8.55am All children ready to start the day
9.00am Teaching begins, attendance register called
9.05am Prayers
11.00am Morning Tea
11.25am Middle teaching block begins
1.00pm Prayer & Lunch | supervised eating, duty teacher rings dismissal bell from lunch eating
1.40pm Bell to signal readiness for lessons to begin
1.45pm Afternoon teaching block beginning
2.45pm Prayer
  2.50pm School day ends
Supporters and Sponsors

Parents, please support our local businesses

Brett Wood - Loan Market Five Star Automotive Services Devonport 7 Day Pharmacy Trish & Tracey Real Estate
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