The Board of Trustees (BOT) would like to advise parents of the 2024 Student Attendance Dues, Special Character Contribution, BOT Operating Contributions and Building Contribution.
Dues/Contributions types 2024 | First Child | Second Child | Third + Child |
Attendance Dues/per term | $129.00 | $129.00 | $129.00 |
Special Character Contribution/per term | $12.50 | $12.50 | $12.50 |
BOT Operating Contribution/per term | $178.75 | $167.50 | $157.50 |
Building Contribution / per term per child | $35.00 | $35.00 | $35.00 |
Total per term | $355.25 | $344.00 | $334.00 |
Total per year | $1421.00 | $1376.00 | $1336.00 |
As parents we appreciate the financial burden that is placed upon families by choosing to educate our children at St Leo’s Catholic school and have made every effort to limit any donation increases.
Whilst the Attendance Dues have increased by $7.00 per child per term compared with last year the Special Character contribution, and the building contribution have remained the same as last year.
We would like to provide some detail on the charges and how the money is used.
Attendance Dues
Attendance Dues are a compulsory payment under the terms of the Education and Training Act 2020 and an obligation of enrolment at St Leo’s Catholic School.
Attendance Dues are charged for all students who attend Catholic Schools in New Zealand.
Attendance Dues are used to repay loans for building works done at schools in the Auckland Diocese, property related costs including school building works, buildings insurance and costs directly associated with the administration of attendance dues.
These Dues are collected by St Leo’s Catholic School on behalf of the school’s Proprietor, the Roman Catholic Bishop of Auckland and are forwarded to Auckland Common Fund Limited, a company established by the proprietors of Catholic integrated schools in the Diocese of Auckland responsible for the collection of attendance dues.
Special Character Contribution
This voluntary contribution provides the main source of funding for all services provided to St Leo’s Catholic School by the Catholic Education Services Board. No contributions are made by the Government for these services.
The Catholic Education Services Board assists schools to provide a Catholic education for your child through the preservation and enhancement of the Catholic Special Character in our schools.
Board of Trustees (BOT) Operating Contribution
This voluntary contribution is set by the BOT and is used to help fund the shortfall in the cost of running the school. St Leo’s Catholic School receives operational funding from the Ministry of Education, however, additional fundraising is required in order to meet operational costs. It is this fund, along with PTFA fundraising, that helps pay for a teacher who is not funded by the MOE. The Board of Trustees contribution for 2024 is increasing by $5 a term. It is the first time in 6 years that this has increased.
The BOT Operating Contribution is not mandatory, however, the BOT critically depends on the BOT Operating Contribution from parents in order to meet our operational costs. Traditionally, we have a high level of parents paying this Operating Contribution and the BOT greatly appreciates your payment. Your ongoing support enables the BOT and St Leo’s team to provide teachers and resources not funded by the Ministry of Education. We hope that you can see educational value in your contribution to the school’s funding.
We would also like to thank you, the community, for the fabulous fundraising efforts that are undertaken throughout the year via the PTFA and other fundraising efforts. These funds allow us to provide many opportunities for our learners that cannot be met by government funding alone. These opportunities can only be attained through receipt of your donations and the fundraising efforts of our community.
As we start a new year we have a student population that has the potential to keep growing and we ask for your help in promoting our great wee school which will in turn grow further opportunities for sustainable funding of the existing teaching team and resources.
Building Contribution
This contribution is set by the Catholic Schools Office (CSO) in discussion with the BOT. The contribution is passed on to the CSO and placed in trust by the CSO and can only be used for a nominated St Leo’s building project. The BOT agreed to ask parents for this contribution from the start of 2011 and it is set at $35 per term, per child. This contribution is not mandatory.
Family Donations
This is for families who wish to make an additional one-off donation to the school – in addition to the school donation. As in previous years, families can indicate how they wish their family donation to be used; books, computers, sports equipment etc.
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